Wolfe Ranch, Brentwood, CA
We have different locations in Brentwood!
Check to see where we are selling fruit today.
For your convenience, please use our map
or the written directions below

to 700 Creek Rd.
1. From 580. Take I 580
East towards Livermore. Exit Vasco Rd. North/Brentwood
exit. Continue approximately 17 miles through the rolling Vasco Hills. Turn
right on Walnut Blvd. approx.. 1 mile and turn left on Eureka Ave. Travel
1 mile. At the end of the road turn right, dip down across the bridge, turn right and go
up the hill. Our packing shed is on the left.
2. From Antioch **NEW
ROUTE**continue on State
Highway 4 East towards Stockton. The freeway becomes a two lane road and you will
turn LEFT at the stoplight on BALFOUR RD. Continue on Balfour for approx
2 miles and turn Right on WALNUT BLVD. Travel 1-2 miles on Walnut and turn RIGHT on Eureka
Ave. Go 1 mile. At the end of the road turn right, dip down across the bridge,
turn right and go up the hill. Our packing shed is on the left.
3. From Stockton take
Highway 4 towards Brentwood. Turn left on Marsh Creek Rd.
and continue west for 3 miles to the stoplight. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
Turn left on Eureka Ave. Travel 1 mile. At the end of the road turn
right, dip down across the bridge, turn right and go up the hill. Our packing shed is on
the left.
164 Payne Avenue.
1. From 580. Take I 580 East
towards Livermore. Exit Vasco Rd. North/ Brentwood
exit. Continue
approximately 17 miles through the rolling Vasco Hills. Turn right on
Walnut Blvd. approx.. 1 mile and turn left on Payne Ave.
Travel 1/2 mile. Our fruit stand is on the left.
2. From Antioch **NEW
ROUTE**continue on State
Highway 4 East. Using our new Bypass, continue on Hwy 4 and
follow the "Bypass Rd" signs. The freeway becomes a two lane road and you will
turn LEFT on BALFOUR RD. Continue on Balfour for approx
2 miles and turn Right on WALNUT BLVD. Travel 1-2 miles on Walnut and turn RIGHT on
Payne Ave. Go approx 1/2 mile. Our fruit stand is on the left
3. From Stockton take
Highway 4 towards Brentwood. Turn left on Marsh Creek Rd.
and continue west for 3 miles to the stoplight. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
Turn left on Payne Ave. Travel 1/2 mile. Our fruit stand is on the left.
Directions to
Eureka Avenue.
1. From 580. Take I 580 East towards
Livermore. Exit Vasco Rd. North/ Brentwood exit. Continue
approximately Continue
approximately 17 miles through the rolling Vasco Hills. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
approx.. 1 mile and turn left on Eureka Ave. Travel 1/2 mile. Our
fruit stand is on the left.
2. From Antioch **NEW
ROUTE**continue on State
Highway 4 East. Using our new Bypass, continue on Hwy 4 and
follow the "Bypass Rd" signs. The freeway becomes a two lane road and you will
turn LEFT on BALFOUR RD. Continue on Balfour for approx
2 miles and turn Right on WALNUT BLVD. Travel 1-2 miles on Walnut and turn RIGHT on Eureka
Ave. Travel 1/2 mile. Our fruit stand is on the left.
3. From Stockton take
Highway 4 towards Brentwood. Turn left on Marsh Creek Rd.
and continue west for 3 miles to the stoplight. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
Turn left on Eureka Ave. Travel 1/2 mile. Our fruit stand is on the left.
to 2111 Concord Ave (HT #23)
1. From 580. Take I 580 East towards Livermore.
Exit Vasco Rd. North/Brentwood exit. Continue approximately 17
miles through the rolling Vasco Hills. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
approx.. 1 mile and turn left on Concord Ave. Travel 1 mile.
Our fruit stand is on the right.
2. From Antioch **NEW ROUTE** continue on State Highway 4 East. Using
our new Bypass, continue on Hwy 4 and follow the "Bypass Rd" signs, the
'freeway' will become a two-lane road. Turn LEFT at light onto Balfour Rd. Turn RIGHT onto
Fairview Ave and continue on to the light at Concord Ave. Turn LEFT onto Concord Ave.
Continue approx 1/4 mile and our fruit stand is on the left immediately after the
subdivision. Our cherry parking lot is at the end of the gravel drive. Drive slowly to
keep dust off fruit
3. From Stockton take
Highway 4 towards Brentwood. Turn left on Marsh Creek Rd.
and continue west for 3 miles to the stoplight. Turn right on Walnut Blvd.
Turn left on Concord Ave. Travel 1mile. Our fruit stand is on
the right.
Bay Area Map to Brentwood.
** Note the new Hwy4 Bypass if traveling from Antioch!